English Name:CHEN mingli
中文名: 陈明丽
Academic Title: Professor
Supervisor:Master Supervisor
Department:Research Center for Biotechnology
Group:Tobacco Functional Genomics Innovation Team
Research Area:
(1) Integrate multi-omics methods to understand the genetic basis of glandular trichomes and aroma substances in tobacco and identify important candidate genes and molecular marks for genetic breeding; (2) Elucidate the functions and molecular mechanisms of key genes in enhancing tobacco flavor quality, accelerating growth in tobacco; (3) carry out breed innovation and genetic improvement in tobacco, and produce novel tobacco varieties with high quality in terms of aroma and flavor enhanced stress resistance, and mechanized harvesting.
Publications:last 4 years
1. Wu, J., Wang, L., Fu, J., Chen, J., Wei, S., Zhang, S., Zhang, J., Tang, Y., Chen, M., ... & Wang, S. (2020). Resequencing of 683 common bean genotypes identifies yield component trait associations across a north–south cline. Nature Genetics, 52(1), 118-125.
2. Gong, D., Chen, M., Sun, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., & Xu, X. (2020). Fine mapping of QTLs for resistance to Phytophthora nicotianae in flue-cured tobacco using a high-density genetic map. Molecular Breeding, 40, 1-13.
3. Hao, J., Song, F., Cui, X., Hua, Z., Zhu, T., Wu, Z., ... Chen, M., & Zhang, X. (2023). Genetic diversity and population structure of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from China revealed by microsatellite markers. Crop Science, 63(3), 1364-1380.
4. Chen, M., Shen, S., Li, Z., Wang, H., Wang, J., Yang, G., ... & Zhang, J. (2024). CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Targeted Mutagenesis of Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 (BADH2) in Tobacco Affects 2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline. Agronomy, 14(2), 321.